"Power in your hand" (2002. ápr. 13.)
Összeállítás a televíziózásról, különös tekintettel a digitális televízióra. Az összeállítás nyitó cikke
felidézi a számítógép, a mobil telefon és a TV konvergenciáját jósoló korábbi véleményeket, s ezekkel szemben
azt az álláspontot fogalmazza meg, hogy a TV alapvetően továbbra is a szórakoztatás közege, tömegmédium marad:
"At the height of the dotcom frenzy, which helped feed the television boom, a broader revolution was promised
for the humble TV set itself. Just as the computer and mobile telephone were to be transformed into devices
for receiving and consuming entertainment, the television was to become an all-purpose screen through which
people would engage in a dizzying array of multimedia experiences. Viewers would treat the TV like the PC:
indeed, the two devices would merge into one. ... This survey will look at where television is going, and who
stands to benefit. It will concentrate on America and Western Europe, because together they account for the
vast majority of the world's television market, and others are likely to follow where they lead. The survey
will argue that, despite all those costly efforts to transform it into an all-purpose multimedia device, the
television set will remain primarily a screen to keep people entertained. Although the digital era will vastly
widen the choice of entertainment on TV, it will leave its potency as a mass medium undiminished."
Készült: 2007. április 16. Az oldalak Internet Explorerre készültek. |
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